Mother Mary is considered by Christians to be the first proselyte to Christianity. She is the mother of Jesus, is therefore Theotokos (God-bearer) or Mother of God. She is the woman of Nazareth in Galilee who lived in the late 1st century BC and early 1st century AD. The Angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced her divine selection to be the mother of Jesus. Her parents were elderly couples, Saint Joachim and Saint Anne. St.Mary died surrounded by the apostles (in either Jerusalem or Ephesus) between three days and 24 years after Christ's ascension. When the apostles later opened her tomb, they found it to be empty and they concluded that she had been assumed into Heaven. Mary's Tomb, an empty tomb in Jerusalem, is attributed to Mary. St. Mary occupies a prominent position among all the saints. In our belief, she is superior to all created beings and "ceaselessly pray for her intercession" she is not considered a "substitute for the One Mediator".